Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Modem Breakdown

Modems, what are they?

The word stands for MOdulator DEModulator, and it's just a fancy name for a telephone hookup for your computer. Modems can either be a cardthat is easily installed into your computer, or it can be an external unit. Basically, the only difference from modem to modem that the average user needs to worry about is the speed. Modem speed is indicated by a BAUD rate, which indicates how many "data bits" are transferred per second. The most common baud rates for modems are 300,200,2400, 4800, 9600, and 14,400. Don't get a 300 or 1200 baud modem, as they are outdated and too slow. A 2400 baud modem is sufficient for most and is very economical (usually $50 or so).

With a modem and a special computer program called a terminal program (one is usually included with the modem), you can call up other computers and communicate with them, including transferring programs and files. You can ommunicate with individual computer users, or through BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS, or BBS's, which are services run primarily by privateindividuals.

When you call a BBS, you are instructed to type your name and a password of your choice. If it's your first time calling the BBS, you will usually go through a short registration process, similar to filling out a form. This is all done on your computer. The information you type on your end is sent through the phone line to the system operator's, or SYSOP's,computer, which is running the BBS. Once you are registered, there may or
may not be a membership fee, depending on the individual SYSOP, though most will allow free use of their BBS by non-members for a short period of time each day. This will be all the time you'll need, though, to use the methods I'll describe in this report. There are also large ON-LINE (accessible by modem) services you can call, such as Compu-Serve, Genie, America On-Line, and others. These are basically the same as BBS's, but on a much larger scale, and all have monthly membership fees, with
most charging by the hour.

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